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Who is the Real Problem?
“What’s the biggest challenge in leadership development?” someone asked recently. I knew the answer. It’s been validated for me year...

How YES Can Crush Your Customer Service
Is the customer always right? In a world where we are getting more and more customer-focused, the customer has been slowly and steadily...

Do You Do What You Say You Will Do?
Leaders do WHAT they say they will do, WHEN they say they will do it! It seems there are many leaders who have a tough time with this...

The Ins and Outs of Self-Leadership
GREAT leadership is a cultivated art. It begins with self-leadership. At the center of great leadership is the individual who makes the...

3,432 Pages of Growth!
It’s another year, and if you are like many people, “reading more” is on your resolution list. In fact, reading more is one of the top 10...

Who's responsible for Professional Development?
How long do you expect to be at your current company? 3 years? 5 years? 10? Rare is it that you have a clear vision of being at the same...

Do I need to be more Tactical or Strategic?
“Tactics is knowing what to do when there is something to do; strategy is knowing what to do when there is nothing to do.” – Savielly...

Company Culture during COVID 19
I like to think of this pandemic - or for that matter ALL of 2020 - as an amplifying year. What was broken before but may have been...

Is Leadership Fluffy Like a Stuffed Animal?
I have tried many times to make leadership fun and fluffy. You a stuffed animal. Something that makes you feel good: it...

The Most Uncomfortable Feedback: COMPLIMENTS!
Feedback is a powerful tool. It can build awareness, create insights, and allows you to generally improve. But feedback can also feel...

Moving From Borrowed Goals to a Leadership Vision.
When I started my business/entrepreneurial career I saw only dollar signs $$$. Business was a way to provide for my family and a road to...

It’s Not Just a Vision, it’s Who You Become.
I remember many times hoping for a specific result, but most times not reaching it.

Committing to Your Core Values.
When asked what your values are, it seems like a really easy question to answer, but in reality, it’s paralyzing.

What Does the Emerging Leader Need?
Most programs jump over self-leadership in favor of “management” skills. However, when you look at the core of what makes a great leader...
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